Porky Has Moved Into His New Sty!!!

Well, it's almost 2 A.M on Sunday morning and after several days of feverishly maniacal labor my manager Michael Claymore has finished my new sty! What a beaver he is! The amount of content is at this time rather small, consisting as it does of what has previously been published here at blogspot, but content tends to build quickly with these things. So from now on, no more late nights trying to figure out why an absolute div won't center in the browser window, or why an image you spent hours creating looks terrible when it's resized by the browser! From now on it's all about content and both Porky and Michael are glad of it! This will be Porky's last post here at blogspot, from now on i will be publishing all my new work at Porky's Place- Home of Porky, the Counter-Feminist Pig! See you there soon!

14 February 2009