The Dark Side of Women (Yes, They Have One.)

Western society spends a lot of time avoiding mention of violence committed by women. For example, if you ask of those you know “What percentage of Serial Killers are women?” would any of them guess that one in six convicted serial killers is a female? Unless you live surrounded by true-crime freaks chances are none of them would. The main reason for this misperception is that the media assiduously avoids mentioning such crimes when committed by women. Find me a report on a female serial killer like Aileen Wuornos and I will find you not six, but dozens of reports on her male counterparts. Now, Porky is a big fan of horror movies, so he notices certain things. Think of the horror movies you’ve watched over the years. Where is the female Freddy, Hannibal or Leatherface? Of the famous serial killer movies how many feature a woman as the killer? One in six? One in ten? My best guess is that maybe one in thirty serial killer movies features a female as the killer. Now, this is clearly a gross under-representation of homicidal tendencies amongst women, and therefore a gross over-representation of such tendencies amongst men. Then there’s TV. Think of Law and Order SVU. Again, is one in six of their serial killers a female? Even though Law and Order SVU does a better job than most shows of portraying female violence, even they fall far below the accurate representation of one in six. Now think of the big Hollywood Thrillers you’ve seen over the last 25 years which feature a female as the main killer, the “Arch-Fiend” of the movie. Let’s see, Fatal Attraction, Basic Instinct, Hand that Rocks The Cradle, maybe a couple of others, and that’s all I can think of. In that time, how many big budget movies have featured murderous males as the primary villain? Hundreds, that’s how many. In such a climate a site such as “Women Doing Lousy Things!” is long overdue. This site collects news stories on women who, er, have done lousy things, like murder and child abuse, and Porky for one, welcomes it. Predictably the Evil Ones (ie Feminists) are objecting to this site because it showcases only cases of atrocious female behavior, but until our media starts presenting a fair and accurately proportional picture of the violence committed by the sexes, sites such as this need to exist. Alas, I suspect such sites will be needed for a very long time.

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