Random Acts of Misandry- Boys Are Stupid Calendar 2009

Porky took this photo with his PDA so it's not great quality, but at least it violates no copyrights.

The Worst Kind of Misandry is the Kind That Targets Boys

So there's Porky in his local Borders, looking to buy a calendar, and what does he spy, nestling malevolently amongst such innocent fare as Garfield and Peanuts? What could it be, in the middle of this, another fine day in our woman-hating patriarchy? Is it a calendar mocking women? No.
Is it a calendar mocking girls? No.
Is it a calendar mocking men? No, not even that.
You guessed it- the target for this vile piece of garbage is one of the most vulnerable groups in our society- little boys. Now, as a big tough Porker I can always say “Get stuffed!” to this kind of crap, but what about little piglets who come across this kind of thing? Boys may act tough but they aren’t, believe me- I used to be one. Boys are highly impressionable and whether they admit it or not, seeing this kind of garbage has a cumulative effect on them- a “Boys are Stupid” calendar here, a Bart Simpson there, a Chris Griffin here- it all adds up.
This "Boys are Stupid" calendar includes such delightful entries as “Boys need Training Wheels”, “Boys Pee in Pools”, and “Boys Pass Gas”. The fact that boys are being mocked for things that aren't even gender specific seems to me to add up to “If girls do it, its okay and we wont mention it. If boys do it makes them geeks to be ridiculed.” This kind of double standard is bad enough when it targets men, but going after boys is as low as it gets.
Now, if this is, as it’s defenders would argue, only harmless humor, then why are there no “Girls are Stupid” calendars featuring entries such as “Girls Suck at Math”, “Girls are Lousy at SATs” and “Girls Cant do Pushups”? If denigrating a group of children is “just humor” then why does no one denigrate female children by mocking their inadequacies? I suspect that at heart this all comes down to the pervasive view amongst the Left that males are by nature bad people. Now, Porky is a left leaning independent, so this is not a partisan attack, it is merely a rather obvious observation. If these were girls or women being mocked the Liberal media would be up in arms, but boys? Well, after a couple of decades of feminist propaganda many liberals seem to hold the view that men are loathsome, and that since boys are destined to grow up to be men, who cares if their self-esteem suffers? Not the Left, apparently.

This calendar is brought to you by Todd Goldman’s company David and Goliath, who are infamous for having created the “Boys are stupid. Throw rocks at them.” shirts, which got pulled from many stores after Glenn Sacks and others launched a campaign against them.

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