Porky now owns the domain Counterfeminism.info

Thats right, my manager Michael Claymore (aka Nelson) has bought me the domain counterfeminism.info and is currently constructing my new website. Thats why some of these posts bear the note "copied to new site". That just means they're on Michael's hard drive though- he wont be uploading the site till its fully finished and ready to go, so dont go there cause its just a couple of empty folders. The site is starting to look pretty good, its like, all blue with touches of pink ( get it, boy pig = blue and pink?) and will of course, be pig-themed, with lots of piggy pictures and with a big portrait of Porky right smack dab on the index page! Michael is also busy with other websites so it will probably be 2-4 weeks, as of 31 January, before my new sty is up.

Bye for now,